What Surprised Captain Lee Rosbach the Most About Below Deck Season 3?

With fires, fights, and flings, Season 3 of Below Deck was certainly a wild time. And the man who had a front-row seat to it all, Captain Lee Rosbach, couldn't agree more. The Daily Dish recently caught up with Captain Lee to get his take on what really went on Below Deck last season, from his biggest surprise to the crewmember he'd rehire to The Real Housewives he wants to see climb aboard as future charter guests. As usual, everyone's favorite Stud of the Sea tells it like it is.
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Have you seen any of your Below Deck crewmembers since filming the Season 3 reunion?
Captain Lee Rosbach: I've seen Kate [Chastain]. I think we had lunch together once. And then I've seen Ben [Robinson], chatted with him. Actually, that's about it. I think Amy [Johnson]'s working. She's been out of the country on a boat, so I haven't heard from her. And Eddie [Lucas] seems to have dropped off the face of the earth, for, I guess, obvious reasons. But I haven't been in touch with him. He and I exchanged texts a couple of times. I didn't expect him to just drop off like that. That really caught me by surprise.

Yeah, he seemed to be in relatively good spirits during the reunion, all things considered.
Yeah, all things considered. That was quite a bomb that Rocky laid at the end, which — I don't know — I wasn't a big fan of that moment, whether which side of the fence you come down on, who you believe, somebody says it happened, somebody says it didn't happen. I don't know, and frankly, I don't care, you know?

Did Eddie Hook Up with Rocky After Filming?

What surprised you the most about Season 3 of Below Deck?
Eddie and Rocky [Dakota] was the most surprising for me. Probably right up there was Leon [Walker] walking off in the middle of a charter. That took me by surprise. I thought he would have had enough class and dignity to finish off the charter properly, seeing as how it was only one meal left to cook. Two, if you counted lunch. I sent them out for lunch anyhow, so one meal he had to do. And he could have left on his own terms. But make no mistake about it, whether he, you know, left then or left at the end of the charter, he was leaving. He had the option to resign. He just chose not to exercise it, which I thought was unfortunate for him.

Why do you think that was unfortunate for him?
I don't think it portrayed him in a very positive light, ditching his crewmates. You know, he could've been pissed at me all he wanted to, but they're the ones that he made suffer. Obviously, that didn't matter to him. So he didn't mind just jumping ship and saying, 'Screw everybody,' guests included. So he didn't care if his guests got their money's worth. He didn't care if he left his crewmates in a bad spot. It was all about him. Sort of a narcissistic-type attitude.

What surprised you the most about Eddie and Rocky hooking up?
That it happened. It totally caught me off guard.

You just never saw them getting together?
There would be nothing that I had experienced that would have said that those two would have even gotten along socially as acquaintances, much less hooking up. If somebody had told me I could bet, I could place a wager on it that Eddie was gonna hook up with Rocky, I'd have bet a paycheck that it would have never happened. That's how strongly I felt about it. And then when I found out that it did, it was just like, wow. Definitely didn't see that coming.

How Did Rocky and Eddie Keep Their Hook Up Secret?
It seemed like a lot of the crewmembers were caught off guard by that as well.
He was not — at least on the surface — a fan of Rocky's at all, from day one. So to then all of a sudden just go like, 'OK, well maybe I don't like her, but you know.' It seemed a little strange to me. And highly awkward.

What was it like when the truth came out?

That bomb that he dropped at the last crew dinner, that was not exactly how I envisioned the last crew dinner going. And then he kind of ruined it for everybody. I didn't understand Rocky's motivation in making it public other than to be cruel, mean, mean-spirited, because it certainly appeared to me at that last crew dinner that she was enjoying her role in it. I thought that was a little strange, to say the least. I mean, who takes pleasure in ruining someone else's good time? If you and Eddie want to go air your dirty laundry somewhere, go back to the boat. Stay away from the party, you know? Let's drag Amy into. Let's drag Emile [Kotze] into it. Let's drag me into it. Rain on everybody's parade. It should've been a nice, festive evening. End of the season, everybody made good money, we got through it, it was hard. Everybody worked hard. Well, most people worked hard. Everybody should have been laughing and having a good time and enjoying the night instead of watching this soap opera unfold before our eyes. That's kind of what it reminded me of, one of those cheesy afternoon soap operas that never end.

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Is that how you felt during the reunion when you had to relive it all?
Yeah, and the reunion was all about Rocky again. And it's just like, well, I don't know. I certainly had had enough of her. I've had my fill, and to sit there and listen to her… you know, just trying to wiggle her way out of everything again. That song and dance got old, I don't know, week three. When somebody's making excuses to me, those are just lame reasons for failing to get your job done. That's what excuses are, as far as I'm concerned, just a dumb reason for your failure to complete your job properly.

And we saw you let Rocky know that at the reunion. You were very vocal about that.
I'm really not interested in excuses from anyone, not just Rocky, but from anyone. You screwed up, own it. I screwed up. I made a mistake. I'm gonna correct it. It's not gonna happen again. We're good to go. We'll put it behind us, carry on, get our jobs done. Once the horse is dead, there's no point in just kicking it and kicking it and giving 1,000 reasons why it's everybody's fault but yours.

After the reunion, you said on Twitter that you would hire Don [Abenante] back. Why you would give him another chance?I would consider giving Don another chance just because he owned up for the fact that he screwed up. And when somebody admits their mistake and is willing to work past it and try, or at least put forth the effort to work past it, I think they deserve a second shot. And if it works, fine. If it doesn't, there definitely won't be a third.